Our body responds in a variety of ways, to stressful situations. Increased the production of certain hormones and changes in our heart rate and blood pressure, excessive physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss. This type of stress with hair loss is not a normal day to day stress. In fact, it is a terrible accident or an unexpected emotional shock. The death of a loved suddenly or after a disease. a divorce; surgery; prolonged illness; or incidents such as vehicle crashes are situations that can cause hair loss.
Our hair has a way to tell us if our body is balanced or not. If healthy physically, emotionally, as well as our hair will be radians, bright and our scalp moist and soft. On the other hand, if we are not well physically, or if we are emotionally disturbed, our hair turned grey and lifeless. It will begin to fall, and our hair become wax with more production of our sebaceous glands traumatized.
When we are in a climate of anxiety or depression, first place in which the exhibition is in our hair. Diet diseases, drugs, and balance sheet presents all our hair of the scalp. Even aspirin and on the Tablet counter cold pill or allergy may harm our hair especially if your hair is chemically treated with color or washed.
Easily one of the most noted for example stress related hair loss is when we're excited or frightened. Our hair is always or him and this shows how our nervous system is interconnected with the loss of hair. So beyond excited with anxiety or fear for a long time will reduce blood flow in the hair follicle and, thus, causing hair loss.
The most common form of hair loss-related stress is TELOGEN TELOGEN. Every hair on our head lives through three phases: the phase of growth (anagen); the phase of transition (catagen); and the phase of repose (telogen).
Every day we lose between 50 and 100 hairs that fall because new anagen, or lose hair begins to grow and push the rest of the hair follicle where. On a daily basis, so some hair nor gives are involved except a brush or a receiver in the bathroom.
But an episode of severe stress may cause an abnormal amount of hair to move sharply in the telogen or resting phase. In the first place, nothing but nothing obvious but in a few months, the hair starts to grow, and the rest are hair triggered at the same time, causing hair loss.
Another type of stress-related hair loss is ALOPECIA AREATA. In this case, the white blood cells attack hair follicles and hair growth stops. This condition begins in the axis of a small patch. A person may have one or two of these â € œbald islandsâ € or hair loss can be extended to the whole of the scalp. (TOTAL ALOPECIA). Even the hair may fall into the body (ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS).
Stress also can irritate the scalp, thus not only hair begins to fall, but may begin to also have hair grease and dandruff. Scalp may start to dry out and the skin may start to crumble. The scalp can produce more sebum, making the oily hair scalp. This is not a good look.
Immediately of reaction of the body to any type of balance in some active negative effects on our hairs header. This is because the scalp is sensitive to hormonal changes and why pregnant women, the hair thins during pregnancy, but gets new thickness as it was before pregnancy.
Luckily, stress is something that can be prevented and treated. Small everyday can quickly established and lead to more severe and chronic stress. Hair loss is just one of many ways in that stress harms the body, so it is important to find ways to prevent and treat the stress. Simple meditation and relaxation can be very effective, as well as regular exercise and a healthy diet.
If you have problems due to stress, you will need to rearrange its priorities and change your lifestyle to avoid spreading yourself too thin. They have a social life and time for fun activities is also important to avoid stress. Watching a movie, read a book or go out with friends can be large estrés-reductores.
If you are concerned about stress and hair loss, consult your doctor and try out some of the stress management tips listed above.
â € œto get more information about how to prevent or halt hair loss; Visit http://www.no-more-hair l o s s c or m â €
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