Friday, August 5, 2011

5 tips for relief from the stress of work

If you love your job, or the hatred, it is necessary to have days when things seem to be about you. Stress at work is one of the most common forms of stress and they can be caused by a particular thing, or a combination of things. Every time you feel stressed out on your site, follow these tips to relieve stress. These tips little help to reduce the immediate feelings of stress and help prevent the taking of another person, which is just more problems!

Suggestion # 1

Take time. If you feel overwhelmed, can not solve a problem or if you want to are about to explode, you from your desktop and preference of the construction and animated tours, short.

Often, when things are always on us what we need is placing the issue and get some perspective. Outside in the open field and focus on something completely different can really help you to feel that you're stuck in a situation that has no control over the "hamster wheel".

Take note of things to her around. The smell of Roses (or any other flowers are available), see the trees or traffic, interact with someone, buy a bar of chocolate, anything that focuses on things around that place things in the head instead of round. When you return to your desktop, your brain will feel renewed and more able to deal objectively with the task in progress.

Tip # 2

Drink more water. What many people usually do when they feel stressed is the range to diet Coke or coffee machine. In fact, these are the worst kind of drink that can lead to stress! High levels of caffeine in coffee and sugar and other chemical products in soda drinks, not only will you feel more stressed and "sensational", but they dehydrate you and it will lead to levels of performance, causing more stress.

Keep coffee for a limit of one or two a day and the rest of drinking water. Keep a bottle of mineral water on the table or take a drink every time that happens the water cooler.

When his body is properly hydrated, your brain work better and feel better able to cope with everyday tasks and stress factors at work.

Tip # 3

Smile. Or better still, laughing. Sometimes we lose our perspective on life and take things a little too seriously. This makes us feel more stressed that it should be. Try to see the humor in everything and take lightly.

Share a joke with a colleague and get a laugh. Laughter is a very healthy way stress-and actually creates "good behavior" hormones in the body called endorphins. These create a sense of welbeing and relieve stress levels.

After a good laugh, they often find that things that were bothering in progress do not seem to be irritating as they thought that they were half.

Suggestion # 4

Get enough sleep. Really not worth trying to work through the night. Sleep deprivation will allow you to work over slow and inefficient, and it has done less than if it were more alert and updated.

Sleep recharges the batteries and while we sleep our brain works to solve problems and issues. Get enough sleep each night is extremely important.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, and this affects the levels of work and stress, try some natural remedies such as tea Valerian or tablets, a massage with oil of lavender.

In addition, before going to bed every night, ensure that you have written all the things that bother you should see in the next day. This will prevent the keep you awake.

Tip # 5

Prioritize. Unless it is ordered all the work to be done in order of importance, you feel too overwhelmed by the amount you have to do.

Create a schedule for each day and make sure that make first the most urgent thing, before concentrating on the jobs a little less important and, then, at the end of each day, decide its programming for the next day - and make sure that it is possible and realistic. If you define too do every day, this will lead to more stress. If your plan is realistic, is more likely to reach them, and this will make you feel more secure and Pacific.

Of course, sometimes the stress at work is much deeper and requires more serious than the previous resource. But one day more stress and anxiety, stress relief tips on working really help you with daily - and there will be more equipped to deal with serious problems.

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